8.4 Release Notes
  • 25 Jul 2023
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8.4 Release Notes

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Article summary

Release Date: 4 April, 2022

New and Updated Features

Admin: Data ManagementThe query line on the Record page has been expanded to show longer queries.
Admin: Data ManagementA confirmation is now required before data from stores can be deleted.
Admin: Security CollectionsWhen editing the Data Access field, the prompt provides a text area for query input, so it is easier to update a longer query.
Clinical ReportsClinical Reports no longer allows limited users (those with only search_by_id privileges) to see the query string text area on the results page.
imat-apiThe middleware now allows all API parameters to be passed to the IXML gen script. Any current IXML gen scripts will need to be adjusted to accept the new parameters list. The parameters are passed in like named parameters; for example, patientid=1234.
imat-apiThe middleware now supports multiple IXML gen scripts configured in the /opt/search/appliance5/conf/IMAT-API/patient.json file. These scripts can be controlled via a type parameter setting which references the name that was set for the path in the patient.json config.
imat-apiNew endpoints to get security-query and session-id for a user: GET /api/cas (current user only), GET /api/user/<provider>/<username>/security-query, and GET /api/user/<provider>/<username>/ss-session-ids.
ROIRelease of Information consent records are now available. This allows providers to share behavioral health records after the patient has given permission to share. The URL is https://<ip_address or server>/app/#/roi/patients. Contact IMAT support for assistance in setting this up.
VHRThe Recently viewed list now provides the record type.
VHR and ROIA watermark appears on all printed pages if any in the group contain a behavioral health record.
VHR and ROIAll behavioral health records display a warning on the screen that the information displayed is confidential due to 42 CFR Part 2.
8.4.1 ReleaseJuly 29, 2022
Health ExchangeHealth Exchange updates can now support third party integrations.
PHI AccessIt is possible to add a record_type to the attestation records with a value of attestation. Update the version number to in the record to 3.
PHI AccessPHI Access config now includes an attestationMetadata section. The attestation records now include a metadata value as well as including a record type value.
VHRPatient MPID included in health exchange API requests.
8.4.5 ReleaseMay 31, 2023
webappThe number of password attempts allowed for logging in is now configurable.
webappA scrub parameter for API records now exists. A change to the searchserverapi.py file allows the parameter to be passed through to SearchServer. There is a delete record call in searchserverui/controllers/indexer.py.

Bug Fixes

compoundquerySets use the full number of results rather than stopping at the limit set in the query. Previously the output set incorrectly truncated at the limit parameter with compound queries. The behavior only affected compound queries; single queries performed as they should.
imat-ui confThe misspelling in the configuration is fixed.
MPIMPI initialization failures are flagged as an error now. Previously they were flagged as a warning.
SearchServerUppercase field names in the quick table definition file now work properly.
VHRCompoundquery VHR library now supports PDF attachments in transcriptions.
VHROverlapping compressed sections no longer appear when CCDs from VHR are printed.
VHRThe Summary screen now shows the most recent records.
8.4.1 ReleaseJuly 29, 2022
APIMRNs with periods are correctly handled when interfacing with eHealth Tech APIs. eHealth Tech APIs need to support '.' in MRNs
MPIThe Limbo Search screen limits the MPI transactions returned using sinceminutes parameter when looking up records.
VHR and ROICCD details viewer now supports the non-disclosure and confidentiality warning display for behavioral health records.
8.4.2 ReleaseSeptember 19, 2022
login/logoutUsers may enter their username with any case combination when logging in. Previously if the case did not match the username created by the administrator, the user could not log out.
Admin: Set DefinitionsThe set definition list can now be filtered header of each section as well as by the set name.
Clinical ReportsImproved results list response time.
8.4.3 ReleaseOctober 11, 2022
login/logoutDomain-based cookies are now removed. This was the final piece that now allows users to log out if they log in with different case combinations than were originally assigned to their usernames.
Admin: SetsIt is now possible to create a set for a user that contains a hyphen in their username.
8.4.4 ReleaseDecember 6, 2022
Health ExchangeDouble encoded documents are now decoded before sending an API response.
MPIInconsistent sort ordering and crashes from data access exceptions in the Persona Builder are fixed.
PHI AccessSearchServer now accepts only XML for the query check. Previously it would appear as if JSON were accepted only to ignore it and continue as if the results were zero. If something other than XML is submitted, results will say that access is denied.
SearchServerQuiesce timeouts have increased, and /transact?rwstate=r will try a second quiesce if the first attempt fails.
SearchServerA quiesce no longer fails if any quiesce commit includes one or more tombstones. Previously it would timeout waiting for the commit jobs to complete.
webappAccess Tokens should now work for SSO users. ReleaseJuly 25, 2023
AdminIt is possible to manage multiple providers with the Admin screens:
  • You can select a provider when creating a new user.
  • The user detail sreen displays the assigned provider.
  • Adding bulk users allows the selection of a provider.
  • Security Collections allows providers to be selected.
  • Security Collection details display the assigned provider.
  • The Sharing screen allows you to select a provider.
  • It is possible to filter by provider in the Access Tokens screen.
  • You can specify a provider when creating a group.
  • The Groups detail panel shows the provider.
  • The Set Definitions screen now provides the ability to select a provider.
8.4.5 ReleaseMay 31, 2023
SearchServerTombstoned records that were in NREF order remain or are added after a record is scrubbed. Previously there was a bug that removed all records after the scrubbed records if they were in NREF order.
SearchServerThere is a fix to the segfault due to corrupt set file.


CentOSCentOS has been upgraded from 7.7 to 7.9.

Retired Features

8.4.2 ReleaseSeptember 19, 2022
Admin: NLP Dictionary EditorThis has been removed from the Admin pages and is no longer available.

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