- 19 Feb 2025
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Data Management
- Updated on 19 Feb 2025
- 3 Minutes to read
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The indexer receives information from the fed documents and places it in search stores. It is responsible for identifying each search record and merging that record into existing search stores. When receiving records, the indexer holds the records in a temporary cache before placing them in the search stores. Depending on the settings in the SearchServer.conf file, the indexer commits the records from the cache into the search store at defined time intervals, when the cache contains a specified number of records, or when the cache reaches a specified size. The default values for these are 90 seconds, 1 million records, and 2GB respectively. Data Management allows administrators to manage the data as it is fed into the search server.
Managing Stores
Use the Stores screen to delete data, make data immediately available, and find specific store information.
The viewing options for stores are found below:
- Select either All Stores or Uncommitted from the drop-down list provided.
- Begin entering the store name. As long as the letter or number combination appears anywhere in the store name or number, the store appears in the result list.
- Click to clear the search fields.
- Click to refresh the store list as documents are feeding to get an accurate count of records.
- Choose to automatically refresh the stores as they are feeding into the server by changing the toggle from gray to blue,
. Leave Auto Refresh turned off if you do not need constant updates. Also, keep in mind that your account does not automatically time out if this is turned off.
- By default, stores are sorted alphabetically, however, you can sort by store number by using the Sort by Number toggle. This is not available for releases previous to Version 9.
Viewing Store Details
View the store details by clicking on the desired store. Store details include information such as whether it is default, number of active records, number of deleted records, total number of records, and whether it contains uncommitted records.
Committing Data
Recently completed feed jobs do not display in the search results until they go through a transfer process called committing; therefore, search results might not display immediately after an indexing job has been completed. Manually committing immediately adds all cached records into the search store rather than waiting for this to be done automatically. It is possible to commit during a feed.
- Locate the store you wish to commit.
- Click .
Deleting Store Data
Deleting data removes only the data from the store and not the store from the server. Once data has been removed, it cannot be recovered. A refeed is necessary to add the data back in.
- Locate the store you want to clear.
- Click found in the pane on the right.
- Type the store name on the line provided confirming you want to remove the data from the store. It is case sensitive and must be typed as it appears in the prompt.
- Click Delete.
Managing Records
This feature accesses an item's XML listing and details such as the store, URI, and index time. It can be used to look at the source of files that improperly display. However, it is most often used by support personnel to diagnose problems or delete the faulty records.
To search, use a single query:
- Click Records.
- Select from the drop-down list the store or stores you want to search.
- Enter a query on the line.
The most common search is for a specific URI of a record. The query for the record should include the field name psuri, a colon, and quotes around the URI: ()psuri:"/MPI_records/GregFHIRRecords/F1_cleaned/10101117_005.xml". Find the URI by including it as a column when writing a Query.
A second common search is the index time. The query for the index time should be modeled after this example: ()psfirstindex:[20170616194208]. The date-time stamp is yyyymmddhhmmss. Keep in mind that as you are searching for a time stamp, you must search for local time not UTC time, 19:42 becomes 13:42 for MDT. - Click .
Deleting Records
There may be times when a record is flawed. If that is the case, you can delete the record to ensure it is not included in the search results:
- Locate the desired record.
- Click found in the pane on the right.
- Enter DELETE on the line provided confirming you want to remove the record.
- Click Delete.
You may delete only one record at a time.