Release of Information Setup
  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Release of Information Setup

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Article summary

The Release of Information (ROI) Setup screen allows administrators an overview of information for the facilities that can view consent records for Part 2 behavioral health medical data. An administrator can easily create a new organization to access or share the data or see any missing information. This screen should be your initial spot to begin troubleshooting.

The screen also helps streamline configuration of a ROI compatible Facility group. 

Because there are so many details to configure a facility for creating Part 2 consent records, we highly suggest using the ROI Setup screen to add new facility.


Because this screen is only available to administrators, a user must be assigned to the searchadmin_system group.

Adding an Organization

Adding an organization through the ROI Setup screen is the easiest and best way to ensure that an organization is set up correctly to participate in Part 2 consent records:

  1. Click addADD.
  2. Enter the Facility Code. This will be used to create both the group and the symbol and is used to connect all ROI information. Use only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_). It is important to note that once it is created, it cannot be changed.
  3. Enter the Facility Display Name. This name is strictly for human readability purposes. It may be changed.
  4. Click Create Entry.

Note that it may take a few minutes for the symbol to be created.

roi-setupClick on image to zoom.

Understanding the Details

Items appear on this screen if they meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • The facility appears in the facility_mapping.csv file (first column)
  • The group name begins with Facility_ (second column)*
  • A symbol name has been created beginning with sending_facility (third column)
  • The facility is assigned to the Set Definition __ROI_Include__ (fourth column)
  • The facility is assigned to the Set Definition __patients__ (fifth column)

All must exist in order to share behavioral health. A done in the Status column indicates all information is present and consent records will work. Otherwise, a error is present and all missing items must be resolved in order for ROI to work.

roi-setup-filterClick on image to zoom.

Filtering and Sorting

Use the filter options at the top to filter by all entries, complete entries, and those with missing information.

Sort the table by any column by clicking on the column heading. Cycle through ascending, descending, and original order by clicking multiple times on the column heading.

Editing Information

To edit any of the items, click on either edit or the link for the Groups, Symbols, or Set Definition Admin page from the side panel on the right.

Click on image to zoom.

Editing an Organization Name

You may edit the name as it appears on this screen and any ROI-related screen. To edit a name:

  1. Click edit next to the organizations name.
  2. Change the Facility Name.
  3. Click Update.

roi-setup-edit-groupClick on image to zoom.

Editing a Group

It is possible to manage group users through the ROI Setup screen. To do so, follow...

  1. Click edit next to the group name.
  2. Add or remove the users as needed.
  3. Click Save.

You can also use the link and edit groups in the Admin: Groups screen.

Managing a Symbol

If an organization is missing a symbol, it is possible to create one by selecting the record and clicking Create Symbol.

Once a symbol has been created, the name appears in the Symbol column.

If a symbol has already been created, and needs to be edited, click Manage Symbol. This opens an editing box where you can add or remove values as needed. Make the changes and click Update.

If you prefer, you can manage symbols through the Admin: Symbols screen. A link is provided to direct you to the page.

Creating a System Set

See Set Definitions on setting up new sets. There are some specific things that must be done.

__patients__roi-setup-patients-set-zoom Click on image to zoom.


See the image on the left to see an example of how it should be set up.

  1. It must be a system set (surrounded by double underscores).
  2. We recommend you use a single query.
  3. The Owner must be the Facility_ group name.*
  4. The Field Name must be PatientIDN.
  5. It is helpful if a symbol for the organization is created first.
  6. The format of the query is dependent on the organization's setup, but will most likely be written similar to this: (s.sending_facility:IN(<sending_facility.CommunityClinic>)), replacing CommunityClinic with the name of the facility in the symbol name. The logic is going to depend on how the specific organization's data is handled.

__ROI_Include__ report
owner_facility = "BeverlyHillsClinic"

#Retrieve the facility/mpid for all non revoked, non expired part 2 consent records designating owner facility
q='()s.record_type:"part2consent" s.target_facility:"{}" d.expiration:[NOW TO *] (NOT psfieldnames:"s.revoked_by")'.format(owner_facility)
consent_hits = get_hits(
    fields='source_facility, mpid'
consent_sources = consent_hits.groupby('source_facility')['mpid'].agg(list).to_dict()

#Give access to all owner's facility data
bh_query = '()(s.sending_facility:IN(<sending_facility.{}>))'.format(owner_facility.lower())

for key, value in consent_sources.items():
    #All HIE case for patient
    if str(key) == 'nan':
        query_term = '(s.mpid:IN("{}"))'.format(
    #Specific facility source for patient
        query_term = '(s.sending_facility:IN(<sending_facility.{}>) s.mpid:IN("{}"))'.format(
    bh_query += " OR " + query_term


#Final query to find records to include in SET
consent_docs = get_hits(
    store='10, 14',



See the image on the left to see an example of how it should be set up.

  1. It must be a system set (surrounded by double underscores).
  2. It must be compound report.
  3. The Owner must be the Facility_ group name.*
  4. The Field Name must be NREF.
  5. It is helpful if a symbol for the organization is created first.
  6. The query must be written as it is on the left. You can copy the query, but make sure you replace the facility with your correct facility name everywhere it is applicable.

* The default prefix is Facility_; however, some organizations may have a different configuration.
† It is unlikely that either of these columns will be created without one or more of the other three columns present first.

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