Release of Information Management
  • 19 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Release of Information Management

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Article summary

Release of Information (ROI) records provide consent for caregivers to share Part 2 clinical data (mental, behavioral, substance abuse) with other facilities. It is important to note that ROIs are only records indicating that a patient has granted permission to share medical records and do not contain any actual medical data.

Preliminary Steps

  1. Contact Professional Services to set up the ROI IMAT tool.
  2. Create an external link tile for it if Professional Services doesn't create one. There is no preconfigured tile for it.
  3. Users must belong to a single defined facility. This is a group with the prefix Facility_; for example, Facility_AnneFoundation. If a user belongs to more than one defined facility, they will be unable to use the feature.
  4. Users must belong to the searchappliance_roi_admin role.
  5. Users must belong to a role that allows access to data. This is usually searchappliance_search and a client-created group that is assigned to a security collection.

roi-lookupClick on image to zoom.

Looking up a Patient

To search for patient consent records, fill out one or more of the fields below. At least one field must contain information, but none of the fields are required.  that the more information provided, the more specific the results are.

  • Last name
  • Given name
  • Date of birth
  • MRN
  • MPID

When the desired fields are filled, click Lookup Patient. This provides a list of up to 25 patients that match the criteria. Refine the search if the intended patient doesn't appear.

Clicking a patient opens a list of ROI records associated with the patient. Records are shown only for the facility the user is associated with.

Click on image to zoom.
Click on image to zoom.

After a patient has filled out a consent form provided by the facility, a new ROI can be created:

  1. Click add_circle found in the top right corner.
  2. Select whether the record is being disclosed to other facilities or received to your facility. New options appear after a choice is made.
  3. Select the facility or facilities to send to or from where to receive the medical records.
  4. Choose an expiration date for the consent. By default, it is set to a year from the current date.*
  5. Confirm the summary information on the right is correct.
  6. Click Submit.
Consent records cannot be edited. Verify that you have everything correct before pushing Submit. If an error is made, you'll have to revoke the consent and begin again.

Click on image to zoom.

It is possible to revoke consent if a mistake was made in requesting or receiving records or if the patient wishes to revoke access. You may only revoke consent if you belong to the same source facility of the consent record you are trying to revoke.

  1. Click on the patient record.
  2. Click Revoke Consent.
  3. Confirm you want to revoke record consent.

After a record is revoked, Revoked appears in the status column. A revoked status has the same behavior as an expired status.*

Click on image to zoom.

When clicking on a consent record, the details pane is displayed. The following details are shown:

  • Designated Organization: This is where the record is sent to.
  • Source Organization: This is where the record originated.
  • Created By: This is the user and the organization the user belongs to.
  • Entered In: This is the date the consent record was entered and created.
  • End Date: This is the date the consent record expires. Note the record may be revoked manually before the expiration date.
  • Status: This shows whether the record is active, revoked, or expired.

If the record is revoked, you will also see:

  • Revoked By: This is which user and organization revoked the consent.
  • Revoked Date and Time: Time and date of the revocation.

Click on image to zoom.

Download all ROI records for a single patient to a CSV file by clicking download. Note that no PHI is downloaded, the file only contains the consent record details for each record.

* When a ROI consent is expired, it remains on the list with Expired in the status column. At this point, the ROI record itself won't be altered, but the system recognizes it as expired. The script made to generate sets from the ROI records recognizes this expiration date as well and stops recognizing them as valid ROI records.

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