User Menu
  • 23 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Menu

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Article summary

Each IMAT tool is equipped with a user menu located in the top right of the screen next to their displayed name. From here a user can change some user settings, access the user guide, and log out.

Changing Account Settings

Press account_circle Account to change the name associated with your accout, change a password, or modify answers to security questions. You can also type the Account URL into the address bar of your browser: https://<ip_address>/ui/#/account/. Replace <ip_address> with the correct IP address.

account-personalClick to zoom

Editing Personal Info

Clicking on Personal Info allows you to correct the name associated with your account.

In Account, follow the steps below:

  1. Select PERSONAL INFO.
  2. Enter the new name on the line below Full Name.
  3. Enter or update your Email address. The email is needed for resetting your password if you've forgotten your current password.
  4. Press Update. A pop-up appears confirming that the change was saved successfully.

Pressing Reset removes all new values in the fields and return them to the original values.

Changing the full name changes the name displayed at the top of the screen as well as the name administrators use for account setup and permissions. The user still logs in with the assigned username.

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Changing a Password

In Account, follow the steps below to change a password:

  2. Select Password from the options below the gray bar.
  3. Enter the old password in the Current field.
  4. Enter the new password in the New field.
  5. Retype the new password in the Confirm field.
  6. Press Update. A pop-up appears confirming that the change was saved successfully.

To view the password typed, you can click visibility. To hide the password, click visibility_off.

Pressing Reset removes all new values in the fields and return them to the original values.

Password Requirements

IMAT's basic password requirements are found below; however, the rules regarding passwords may vary depending on how the search appliance was configured:

  • Must contain at least 12 characters
  • Must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character
  • Expires after 60 days
  • Cannot change unless it has been at least 24 hours since the creation of the current password*
  • Cannot reuse the past 24 passwords
  • Cannot use words found in the dictionary; combine them with other words, ThisIsMyPassword, or use a random set of letters

*This excludes administrators changing passwords through the Admin Console.

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Changing Security Question Answers

In Account, follow the steps below to change an answer:

  2. Select Security Questions from the options below the gray bar.
  3. Type in any unanswered questions or change the answer to any question.
  4. Press Update. All questions must be answered before the button can be clicked. A pop-up appears confirming that the change was saved successfully.

To view the answer typed, you can click visibility. To hide the answer, click visibility_off.

Pressing Reset removes all new values in the fields and return them to the original values.

Choosing login questions may be optional depending on the system configuration. If this is the case, a small arrow appears next to the security question. Click on it and select the question from the list and enter the answer in the field provided.

Click to zoom

Changing Subscription Alerts

If you've chosen to receive certain types of VHR patient alerts, the types of alerts and ways to receive the alerts are entered here. Your IMAT appliance must be configured to receive subscription alerts for this page to appear. In Account, follow the steps below:

  2. Enter either a phone number or an email address or both depending on how you'd like to receive the alerts and how your IMAT appliance is configured. At least one type of contact must be chosen.
  3. Check the box to receive the alerts. Once again, the type of alerts depend on system configuration. At least one type of alert must be chosen.
  4. Press Update. A pop-up appears confirming that the change was saved successfully.

To view the email typed, you can click visibility. To hide the email, click visibility_off.

Pressing Reset removes all new values in the fields and return them to the original values.

Once subscription alerts have been initially set up, there is no way to clear the form and return to no information in the fields. To stop receiving alerts, remove them from the individual patient in VHR.

preferences-8.4Click to zoom

Changing App Preferences

App preferences changes the landing page after a user has signed in. By default, the landing page is the dashboard. However, it is possible to change the landing page to best suit your purposes.

  2. Click on the landing page field and select the desired page.
  3. Click Update.

This option must first be configured for your IMAT appliance before the option is available.

Accessing Help

Pressing help Help takes the user to the documentation home. From there, it is possible to navigate throughout the entire documentation center.

Logging out

To log out, click on the user name in the top right corner. In the drop-down menu select power_settings_new Log Out.

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