Standard Reports
  • 17 Oct 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Standard Reports

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Article summary

IMAT comes with some standard reports that can be found through IMAT's Clinical Reports under the saved compound reports. Below you will find some basic reports that come with the product along with a synopsis of what each report does. Please note that not all appliances will come with all of the reports listed below. Likewise, some reports may exist that are not listed below.


It is not recommended that you alter these reports without contacting support first.

General Reports

  • adminUsage
    This group of reports shows changes made by an administrator. Choose one or more of the following sub reports to run:

    • Changes to Collections
    • Changes to Groups
    • Changes to Sets
    • Configuration File Changes
    • Record Deletions
    • Store Deletions
    • User Account Deletions

    The names of the reports are indicative of the information reported. Keep in mind that those reports that track changes only show that changes were made not what the changes are.

  • admitsDischargesperDay
    This report shows how many patients were admitted and discharged on each day of the given month for each selected facility. This helps identify high or low spikes of admitted or discharged patients for specific facilities or dates.

  • claimsDataValidation
    This report shows how many claims records have a field that is empty, invalid or implausible for every claims field. It allows customers to see the quality of all of their claims data and to specify custom validation and plausible functions for each field.

  • frequentFlyer
    This report identifies the people who frequently visit the emergency department.

  • searchUsage
    This report provides a list of searches done by a specific user. The two sub reports options provided are Detailed Record Views and Searches. It is possible to select both the date range and the user for each of these sub reports.

  • suspiciousUsage
    This report allows administrators to check for activity that could be considered suspicious. The list of reports below can be found in the suspiciousUsage report. Each report will ask the user to set a beginning and end date along with beginning and ending business hours.

    • Failed Login Attempts
    • Feeder Log Deletions
    • Indexer Log Deletions
    • User Actions Outside of Normal Hours
    • Users and IP Addresses
  • systemUsage
    This set of reports shows basic data on user usage on the system. Selecting User Centric will regroup the data by the user who did the action (creating users, changing reports, etc.) rather than by the new user or the product. Know that any changes made to the system will take a few minutes to reflect on these reports. The reports available through systemUsage are listed below:

    • Product Usage: This shows which tools (i.e. Admin Console or VHR) have been visited, how many times, and by which users within the given date range provided in the search.
    • Report Changes: This shows changes to standard reports and which user changed the report. It does not show the changes to the report.
    • User Accounts Created: This shows any new user accounts and who created them.
    • User Logins: This shows which users have logged in and how many times given the date range provided in the search.

VHR Reports

These default reports come with VHR.

  • advanceDirectives
    This report returns a list of all advanced directive documents for a patient.
  • patientInfo
    This report populates the main patient info (also referred to as the patient summary) page with a summary of data from the MPI and clinical records.
  • patientLookup
    This report supports the search form and returns a list of patients based on the given search criteria.
  • recordLookup
    This report returns the details of an individual record in the modal pop-ups.
  • recordTypeReports
    This report returns a list of records which can be filtered to a certain type of record (such as ADTs) or it can give a summary of all record types. Most VHR grids are populated from this report.

MPI Reports

MPI comes with default MPI reports found in the compound reports of Report Builder. Currently these reports and their descriptions are found in the PI Link Editor guide.

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